Saturday, September 1, 2007

Weekend Riding

So last weekend Lindsey and I decided that we were going to hop on the motorbike and go hit the mountains for some camping. Funny how things don't necessarily work out quite the way you plan them.

Thursday and Friday were a bit of a panic for me in that I had a whole boatload of work to do to get the bike ready for the trip. Friday night also was a bit of a panic because it included packing for the trip. Now saddlebags can't carry everything you want them to but they can carry everything you need them too, especially if you help them out by loading stuff on the luggage rack. We each took a saddlebag for our clothing (and of course Lindsey took a little of mine for her stuff as well) and we put the tent and sleeping bags (cunningly placed in a dry bag from MEC) on the luggage rack. I also have a little bag behind my windshield to carry some misc. tools and other items.

Saturday morning was a little overcast but we put on the leathers, hopped on the bike and off we went. About half an hour outside of Edmonton it was looking pretty rough so we stopped and put the rain gear on, it's always better to put your rain gear on and not need it than it is to try and discover how quickly you can get it on while being rained on.

Sure enough, moments after we got the rain gear on the rain started. . . and that pretty much set the tone for the rest of the weekend.

The rain was cold. Really freakin' cold so despite our plan to try and make it to Penticton we decided that it was a better idea to fend of hypothermia, a cup of coffee (for Lindsey) and hot chocolate (For me) at the Tim Hortons in Edson was enough to do this for us and we continued on to Jasper.

We were expecting to see some of the wonderful wildlife that the road into Jasper is known for, they however were far too intelligent to be out in such heinous weather.

Jasper was a nice stop for lunch and some more hot coffee/hot chocolate and then we were back on the bike again and heading into BC.

The one thing you can say for this trip is that we had some wonderfully consistant weather. . . as a result Blue River seemed like a good place to spend the night. While we had been hoping for Penticton the combination of slow travel in the rain and the cold that was soaking into us convinced us to call a halt to our travels in wonderful Blue River.

I will say that if ever you're looking for a place to stay in Blue River the Blue River motel is tiny, clean, and well priced. It's a little tucked back into the town but if you ask at the Esso they can point you and it's definitely some place i would stay again.

So 570km later day one came to an end.

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