Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ride on

Well another riding season is upon us, if we ignore today's snowfall,
and that of course means that it's spring. With spring comes rebirth,
regrowth, and change and I appear to be a part if that.

What's happening?

Well it appears that this summer I'm going to be teaching motorcycling
for NAIT which will be a fun filled adventure. I like teaching and I
like motorcycling so I can really only see those going well together.
Plus of course I'm sure I'll find myself with a plethora of funny new
stories to tell you.

I also recently ended a two year relationship to a great girl, seems
to be a recurring thing in my world doesn't it? That has caused me to
start doing some thinking about how I handle the whole relationship
thing. Right now all I have are questions but hopefully one of these
days I'll figure out some answers to go with them.

Perhaps later I'll post some of those questions and see if any of you
can help me out.

Till next we meet...

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