Saturday, August 11, 2007


It was my mother's service today so I thought I would post the eulogy that I presented.

In a little more than a week I will, for the first time, celebrate a birthday without my mother. This is because the person who brought me in to this world, loved me, taught me, cherished me, and occasionally scolded me passed away on July 13th after a long battle with Cancer.

It has been said that the loss of a parent is one of life's most traumatic events. I now know the devastating truth of that statement. I've been told that, in time, the hurt will fade, only to be replaced by positive memories that soothe the soul. Already, I can feel that happening and I hope too that you can as well.

Born to Joe and Emma Alder and with an older Sister, Jean, on February 15, 1946 Carole Ann Alder began life. From all reports it was a life of fistfights, adventures, and some hardships, all of which helped to shape her into the competent, determined woman that we all knew.

When she was 14 her mother passed away after a long battle with MS and at the age of 21 she hopped on a boat and found herself here in Canada. As is typical with my mother she made her first new friend in the country before she had even arrived, this person of course being Hazel.

That Halloween at a party her friend Hazel was kind enough to accidentally introduce herself, and shortly thereafter my mother, to a young man in a most affectionate manner. That young man went on to marry her in 1969 As I’m sure many of you present remember. How could you forget someone who wears a mini-skirt as her wedding dress?

8.5 years later I arrived on the scene and by all reports I was a child of miraculous grace and beauty. . . not to mention my many other positive features. Three years and four days later my brother also graced this earth, and in both cases I’ve been told that my mother could not have been happier or more proud.

A few short years after my brother’s birth my maternal grandfather passed away, depriving my mother of both her parents. Fortunately she had found herself adopted into the Hunter clan many years before and her close relationship with her in-laws helped her through this difficult time.

Throughout her life my mother held a number of jobs but the longest and certainly most recent was with the Edmonton Public Libraries. She started there as a temporary float, moving from location to location as she was needed and eventually worked her way into a permanent position where she remained until moving onto disability two years ago. Though her years at the Library my mother made many friends, quite a few of whom were able to make it here today, something for which we are very appreciative.

Over the past two years and throughout this entire struggle my mother always maintained a positive outlook, and an attitude of optimism and determination. With the help of many of the friends and family gathered here today she was able to maintain an excellent quality of life and remain at home for as long as possible.

Finally on July 13th my mother passed from our lives and into God’s care where we know she has found peace and an end to her suffering.

So I would like to take this opportunity to say “Thanks Mom, we’ll love you always, and think of you often”

Till Next We Meet. . .

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