Friday, August 3, 2007

Quite the Ride

Well, the last couple of weeks have been nothing short of insane. With the wedding coming up we had guests in from out of town including Scotland and a couple from the US so the house has been packed. This of course makes for a very busy time because these people are on vacation and want to see the sights . . . and guess who gets to take them. Now between the whole family I think they got a pretty good exposure but of course it's tough. Fun but tough.

The wedding?

It rocked. Things went beautifully, the weather was great (bloody hot) and everything was wonderful. There was a small hitch at the reception with a lack of A/C but most of us were used to the heat by then and I just don't think we cared that much. After enough alcohol it stops mattering how hot it is.

Other things?

I returned to the gym this week. I've been there off and on for the last while with distinctly more off than on but at least I've been doing something. This week however I found that I wanted to be back in the gym, finally I wasn't looking for excuses to get out of the workout early. I wasn't wasting my time talking to people only to discover that I was "out of time" and needed to get out of the gym. Rather I was in there with a joy to be there and a determination to work hard. Neither of my workouts this week were the best I've had but they weren't the worst either and that's a start.

Till next we meet . . .

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