Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I'm back

Well, things have been hectic but I'm back again and I apologise for the unplanned intermission.

I don't actually have anything terribly interesting to report today but I just wanted to let those of you who read the blog know that I'm getting back on this horse.

Since the last time I've been on here I've received a bunch of new parts for my motorcycle including a touring seat, and new saddlebags. The bags are huge, you could put a small child in them if you really needed too. The seat is amazingly comfortable and comes with a driver backrest. I wish I had known earlier in my motorcycle career how great a good aftermarket seat can be.

Check out mustang seats

If you're interested in a fantastic motorcycle seat. The price is about average but the product and the customer service are both outstanding!

You can also check out my training log as I've made my first entry into that since January. . .

Till next we meet. . .

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