Friday, October 19, 2007

Dungeons, Bridges, and Boats

More time today spent as a tourist, again this trip was solo.

First I went to the tower of London, this of course is an old castle with way too many buidlings attached to it to ever manage to see them all in a single day unless you've got a really high boredom threshold. Not that the place isnt' fascinating, it is, you just start to get a little immmune to the concept when every room contains something just as fascinating as the last. The biggest downside to the Tower of London is that in many areas you're not able to take pictures. . . these of course include all the most fascinating areas. I did get to see the crown jewels while I was there as well as an impressive number of graves. Plus there were weapons, armour and all sorts of interesting stuff from various eras there.

Tower of London Pics Here!

The best part was that I arrived just in time to land myself a guided tour and our tour guide was perhaps one of the most amusing people I've ever listened to. He had obviously done this a number of times and obviously loves his job, it was a real pleasure to see him at work.

Next I walked myself over to the Tower Bridge which was really fascinating. Very controversial at the time it's proven to be one of London's most recognizable landmarks and the engineering that went into it was spectacularely impressive for the time, in fact it's still working away today and I managed to get myself some video of it in operation. There's a tour you can take that gets you down into the mechanical and engine rooms and it's really quite worth it if you get the opportunity.

Tower Bridge Pics!

After the bridge I stuck with the water theme and treked over to see the HMS Belfast, it was pretty cool but I've got to admit that by now my wow factor is starting to wear out. The part that made the Belfast somewhat disappointing is that they're moving from one tour strategy to another so you really have no idea where to go. I missed out on a few sections of the ship as a result because I had no idea how to get there and the signage and the map couldn't agree and neither one seemed to be predominanlty right so I finally gave up. Still, it was worthwhile and I quite enjoyed it, plus hearing stories in the voices of the crewment who experienced them really adds to the tour.

HMS Belfast Pics!

Finally I meandered over to the British War Experience which is pretty interesting. I think it would be a lot more interesting if I could relate to it better but I'm too young and hope never to be able to relate to that sort of experience. Still, I enjoyed it though due to the lighting and the smoke they use for effect pictures are difficult and so I have very few.

What will tomorrow bring? Who knows. . .

Till next we meet. . .


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