Thursday, October 18, 2007

Here there and Everywhere

So today I decided to do some touristing. . . I have no idea if you can turn the word tourist into a verb or not but that's never stopped me in the past and I see no reason it should now.

The first place I started was at the Museum of London, it was pretty cool. They had an exhibit on about what happened on the site before London made it's appearance two thousand odd years ago and pretty much carried it through Roman times and Medival times as well. All in all it's pretty interested and some of the amazing items that they have on display definitely make the visit worth while.

Museum of London Pics!

After that I headed over to St. Paul's Cathedral which is so absolutely amazing it should be a must see for anyone who comes to London. Unfortunately you're not allowed to take pictures inside but I will admit to snapping a few before I learned this, I also snagged some while up in the galleries overlooking London. I apparently need to do more cardio because hauling my ass up 450+ steps was killer.

St. Paul's Pics!

St. Paul's is a beautiful place and seeing all the tombs is really quite moving, realizing that you're just feet away from Admiral Lord Nelson among others is really quite something.

Finally I had some more time to kill so I headed over to the London Aquarium, it's pretty cool and really worth checking out. Petting a ray is really cool, they're kind of like aquacats. . . at least the attitude toward being petted seemed about the same. I will say too that this is the hardest attraction I have ever tried to find. There is no signage, there are no directions, you actually need to pass through unrelated businesses to get there. . . bizarre.

Well, that's about it so.

Till next we meet. . .

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