Thursday, March 22, 2007

Musically Inclined

For some reason I'm really enjoying music this week, while it's always an important part of my life it seems to have really moved up in the rankings lately.

Those of you who know me know that I have very eclectic tastes in regards to music so I'm going to present her a pair of videos that I think are spectacular and worth everyone's time if you haven't seen them.

The first is a Violinist who's got Owner of a Lonely Heart and Smooth Criminal sounding like I've never heard them.

Amazing Fiddle Player - Click Here for more great videos and pictures!
Following that act is a band that I'm really enjoying called Corporeal, you can find them on myspace or floating around the net. Personally I think that three men on one guitar is a pretty astounding feat, particularly when it sounds like this.

Corporeal: All We Got - Click Here for more great videos and pictures!

I hope you've enjoyed that.

Till next we meet. . .

1 comment:

Allison said...

That violinist is crazy amazing! So often symphony-type instruments playing pop music sounds wrong but that performance is incredible!