Saturday, March 31, 2007

Posting Under the Influence (of ADD)

Well, here's my ADD post for this month, that means of course that you could have another one as soon as tomorrow. As you may have guessed this post is going to hop around a little. . . hang on!

I'm okay

I've been carrying a lot of stuff around with my lately in a mental or spiritual sense and it's been weighing on me. While driving home from the gym today I saw a licence plate that said "UL B OK" on a truck in front of me. Wow! The Universe sure decided to make sure I didn't miss that message didn't it? I'm glad to get it as it came at a very opportune time as the last week has been pretty rough on me for a variety of reasons. Thanks Universe, and of course all of you out there who are contributing your consciousness to it!

Best Ad Ever

I saw the single best advertisement of all time today on the Internet, it's sad and it's got an "Engrish" translation so it's a little rough. It's also one of the most touching things I've ever seen and again, comes at a very opportune time. It reminded me what's important in life is what you love, and for what you love you'll do anything. It also reminded me that nothing done out of love, with faith in the Universe will backfire on you in the long run. You just need love and faith.

Here it is:

Saddest Commercial Ever

*Edit* Originally I embedded this but I really dislike the way that site embeds, it forces it to play and forces the sizing so there's a link instead.


I managed to get off my butt and make it to the gym again today. I'm back! Now I just have to keep at it but I'm sure I will. I actually was prompted because last night I had an arm wrestle with someone I should easily beat. . . and we tied it up after a few minutes so I'm getting my butt back in action! Sometimes all we need is that kick! I'm also eating right again. 250lbs here I come but it's going to be a much leaner 250lbs than I was last time!


Well, she's almost ready for touring! Still missing a few parts but except for the seat they're not the important ones so I'm happy! If the weather is nice enough I'm going to Calgary this weekend!

That's it for now folks.

Till next we meet. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am on Verizon and would not like to switch carriers but would love an iPhone. Will this ever happen?
[url=]unlock iphone[/url]