Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Tom's Rules

So there's a guy I know. . . we'll call him Tom. He's smart, he's a chiro. . .he's also a powerlifter, more than that though he's insightful. I was reminded of Tom's Rules the other day and I thought I should include them here as they're worth reading. So in his own words here are Tom's Rules:

1. Life's not fair.
2. You're not that fucking special
3. Everyone's full of shit
4. Everyone wants to go to heaven, no one wants to die
5. Eventually the stupid comes out
6. Never eat anything bigger than your head

Adjunctive rule: If you're dating a chick that's hot, but crazy, break up with her after six weeks.

I never numbered this one, it's kind of like an ammendmant or something


Till next we meet. . .

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