Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Some Mornings

Some mornings it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.
-- Emo Phillips

Today wasn't one of those days but the quote was so funny that I couldn't let it go without posting it.

Today I went to see the ear/nose/throat surgeon to talk about my snoring. He took all sorts of looks, I got to be on the receiving end of a nasal speculum and he stuck a camera up my nose to look down the back of my throat.

The result is that I'm going for a sleep study to confirm that I have sleep apnea, after which I'll get to try a CPAP machine to see if that helps. He said only about 50% of people can tolerate it and failing that I'm in for surgery.

The good news about the surgery is that he feels my tonsils are contributing about 40% to the problem so if I go under the knife he has to pull those out and that means that the whole thing is covered by health care. We'll see what happens after the sleep study which I should be up for in a couple of months.

I'm glad that something is finally happening about this after numerous doctor's visits.

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