Monday, February 5, 2007

Sunday Morning Coming Down

So how was my weekend?

The Labyrinth walk was a bit of a disaster but turned out to be a victory.

Bouncing was boring, as usual.

A. and I did church on Sunday, then lunch, then back to her place and talked. We basically spent the day like we were together again though we both knew at at the end that it was goodbye. It was good because when it ended two weeks ago it ended poorly and this gave us a sense of closure that we both needed I think. It also let us say all the things we needed to say and to hear all the things we needed to hear from each other. We are still in love but we both know that until we've each done some healing we can't make a relationship work between us, especially since many of our issues overlap. As a result we're broken up with an option to call each other up at some point in the future to try again with the friendship and possibly more. More may come, or we might never again move past the friend stage for any number of reasons. Right now it doesn't matter, what does matter is that we both get on with the healing we both need to do in order to ensure if the time comes we're capable of having that healthy relationship. In the end we can't promise to wait for each other but we won't promise not to either. Make sense?

It think it's good because for the next couple of weeks I need to focus on me. So While A. has asked for updates if something important comes through and I've done the same, we're done with the frequent contacts. I'm sure they'll resume eventually but I would very much doubt that it's going to occur any time prior to March at the earliest. Though you never know, we might opt to sit together at church some days if it feels right for both of us.

Today I went to see the psychologist again, I'll post the details a little later.

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